Health & Wellbeing
The University of Iowa is the home of UI Health Care, consisting of a nationally ranked hospital and health care service. LiveWELL is the comprehensive health and wellness program available to UI faculty and staff.

UI Health Care
UI Benefits, Health & Productivity
Health Care Plans
Review plan options for employees, retirees, and students, or learn about COBRA coverage for employees leaving the university.
Programs and services designed to support you in your health and wellness efforts, no matter where you find yourself on the health continuum.
Employee Assistance Program
Provides integrated services to faculty, staff, post docs, medical residents and their family members to promote emotional well-being and to increase engagement and productivity among members of our UI community.
Family Services
Provides programs and resources for UI faculty, staff, and students to be successful in their professional, academic, and personal lives.
Mental Health at Iowa
Includes links to resources, events, and trainings
Student Wellness
Available to all UI students, Student Wellness supports student success by promoting sustainable health behaviors and fostering a culture of wellness.
Employee Well-Being
When employees have a high sense of well-being, they are better able to bring their best and authentic selves to work, be physically and mentally prepared to show up, communicate well, and serve the university's missions.
Health and Well-Being Resource Guide
Provides faculty and staff easy access to information on available health and wellness services at the University of Iowa.